Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bikini Hair Removal – New Website Design

As per promised, finally had launched it new website design. It had officially launched on 26 November 2011, one day after Black Friday 2011. The new upgraded website is more on reviewing bikini hair removal solutions. team had reviewed more than 100 bikini hair removal solutions; they only choose the best to recommend. In the new website, they only pick up the best of the best among the bikini hair removal solutions products.

“I’m so glad that, finally launch it upgraded website. It is the major upgrade of the web design and content after about one year launch of the website. We had receive a lot of positive comment and feedback from our customers, and our website is amending and upgrading everyday.” Said Georginia Lee, Founder and President of

Bikini hair removal is one of the most embarrassing topics for both men and women. is providing this platform for people who facing this problem. The new website contain a lot of related articles which to guide you how to get rid of bikini line hair.

“We are expanding our team, and we will review more and better bikini hair removal solution for you guys. By the end of the year of 2012, we hope we are the most popular bikini hair removal website in the market. Next year, we will adding related products in our website, if you want to know the detail, please stay tune with us. ”Said Georginia Lee, Founder and President of

Georginia is going to announce the year 2012 plan for next week. According to their web technician, will target to men market in next year., will always provide you the best hair removal solutions.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

2011 Mothers Day HOT SALE! - - The promotion will end within 10 days. Hurry! Buy now!

The TOP 6 Reasons of Why I Like Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal treatments are an FDA approved technique for permanent hair reduction, but not permanent hair removal. Many people are misleading by the advertisement; in fact by using the method of laser, we can not permanently remove the hair. It requires multiple treatments to have the best results. This treatment can apply on bikini line area, the most sensitive part in our body.

How does it Work?
A laser device sends out pulsed light on the skin to search for the dark pigment of hair, and impairs the hair follicle. After the hair receive the pulsed light, hair will begin to fall out within the next 10 - 14 days after treatment. Hair will grow in different stages: growing, inactive and shedding. Because all of the hair isn't on the same phase at any given time, numerous treatments are needed to get the hair in the growth phase, for the laser to be most effective.

The discomposure level varies on the category of laser used, hair type, body area getting treated, and one's personal threshold. The first session of laser hair removal generally hurts the most, and then subsides with further visits. People with very thick, dark pigment hair often feel a bit more pain than those with thin hair, because darker hair absorbs more of the laser light.

Bikini Hair Removal - Your No.1 Hair Removal Solution Here! -

I Prefer Laser Hair Removal because:
  1. According to The Mayo Clinic, lasers reduce hair counts 40% to 80%.
  2. Little to no hair growth is needed for treatments.
  3. Hair can either be continually shaved, including the day of treatment, or only require a few days worth of growth.
  4. Laser hair removal treatments are not time consuming.
  5. Large areas can be treated all at once
  6. A laser treatment done on the back takes about an hour.

I don’t like Laser Hair Removal because:
  1. Scarring, blisters and burns can take place.
  2. These are still possible side effects, especially from someone inexperienced.
  3. It's not cheap. The average rates are below under The Costs.
  4. Multiple treatments are needed. It's not a one hit wonder. Usually 4- 6 treatments are needed, spaced out about a month apart to achieve the best hair reduction results.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Bikini Hair Removal - 4 Cautions of Brazilian Waxing, MUST READ!

Bikini Hair Removal - What is Brazilian Waxing?

Brazilian waxing is removes hair in the bikini zone or pubic hair by pulling it out from the root with a resin wax. This bikini wax style removes all the hair around the bikini zone; from the front, all the way in-between to the behind. The focus of this bikini wax is on the back, your bum.
It’s very important to find a skilled technician, and get this performed professionally for a safe wax and to feel less pain. Also, preparing for this specialty wax before and after will help you get and keep the best results.

Brazilian waxing is a semi permanent method bikini hair removal. A flexible wax such as a sugar-based wax is one of the most popular waxes used in Brazilian waxes. This Brazilian wax is different from other standard bikini, American or French wax because Brazilian wax removes all the hair at pubic zone including genital area, the perineum as well as the anus.
For other bikini waxes, hair is removed from the bikini line and the even the belly button area. Some people prefer to use epilators or tweezers to catch stray hairs not removed during the wax so they can completely bald and hairless look. After wax, it should follow-up care consisting of a botanical first aid solution should be applied. After Brazilian wax no hot baths or tight-fitting clothing should be worn.


  1. You can enjoy bikini hair free while you can safely wear your lingerie or bikini.
  2. The hair tends to not grow back as frequently or grow back in quite as dark.
  3. Keep genital area clean without getting bacteria and urine trapped in the pubic hair.
  4. Sexual intercourse is more fulfilling when the genital area is shaved clean.


  1. Brazilian waxing can be done at home
  2. Usually done in salon by a professional aesthetician with licensed and certified in the hair-removal process.
  3. Before waxing, wax is warmed so that it create a soft skin but not liquid form.
  4. Recipient will ask to strip naked from the waist down and lie flat on the table.
  5. If the hair is too long or bushy, it will trim with scissors.
  6. A light dusting of cornstarch or baby powder is often applied to gather excess oils and moisture.
  7. Wax is applied to the skin and the hair with a wooden and a muslin wax strip is rubbed into the melted wax and then allowed to dry completely.
  8. After the wax hardens, the skin on the genitals is then pulled slightly taut and the strip is pulled in the opposite direction of the hair growth.
  9. This process is repeated until entire of the hair is successfully removed.


  1. To have baby soft skin with no razor bumps and nicks.
  2. It does not grow back for weeks after Brazilian removal.
  3. Genital area free of patches of thick hair to maintain and groom.


  1. It should only be performed by a professional aesthetician or by observing it being done before attempting a self-service method.
  2. As bikini wax can easily become overheated and it can cause serious burns to the skin, especially the genital area.
  3. Knowing when to strip or remove the hair.
  4. Oil and heat are the only way to remove clumpy wax and this can be time-consuming as well as frustrating and can even lead to infection.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Bikini Hair Removal: New TRIA Laser Hair Removal System 2011 -

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bikini Hair Removal - No Worries with Silk'n

Bikini Hair Removal - No Worries with Silk'nTM

Bikini hair removal – No problem to understanding bikini hair removal, it will make the process even more simple and effective with Silk’n™. The unique Home Pulsed Light™ technology to remove unwanted bikini hair seems like simpler than using razors. The device is easy to set up and easy to operate at home.

Bikini hair removal device uses Home Pulsed Light™ technology; a new and innovative light energy technology, designed for safe removal unwanted body hair including pubic hair. This technology, based on the well established process of photoepilation, brings hair removal home by introducing low yet effective levels of optical energy. Furthermore, due to the lower energy levels, there is no need to cool the skin during this procedure.

Now the obvious question might be – is it safe to use on very sensitive areas such as the pubic hair? Silk’n™ has been studied on bikini sites of 56 patients who reported wonderful results. The average hair reduction after 3 months was found to be 56%.

2011 Promotion
Normal retail price for one lamp cartridge is $49. Now Silk'n offer to value customer special price. For a Limited Time Only! Purchase Silk’n SensEpil 3-Pack Lamp Cartridges for $129.36

Features and benefits of using the Silk’n™ device for bikini line hair removal:

  • Silk’n™ is recommended by physician.
  • Silk’n™ has been tested in clinical trials for over one year and approved by the FDA, top dermatologists and plastic surgeons.
  • The advanced technology by which Silk’n™ works, gives long lasting results to users.
  • Bikini line hair removal with Silk’n™ is safe with minimal discomfort compared to waxing, shaving etc.
  • Silk’n™ is highly cost effective and user friendly.

Is bikini line hair removal with Silk’n™ for you?

Before using Silk’n™, you are required to check if the product is ideal for your skin color. The Silk’n™ device works best for bikini hair removal only on lighter colour skin since the product removes unwanted hair by selectively targeting the pigments. As dark colored people have higher quantity of pigments in their skin, the risk of using this product on such skins increases. Thus, using this product on dark skin may results in adverse effects such as burns, blisters and skin pigmentation. Additionaly, Silk’n™ may not be effective on very light colour hair as compared to darker hair; the reason being the same as above.
Typical problems with other methods of bikini line hair removal are the pain involved and ingrown hair resulting in repeated skin irritation. With Silk’n™ there is no pain. In addition, the hair that does come back after bikini line hair removal with Silk’n™ is much finer and typically doesn’t cause any skin irritation.

With the Silk’n™ revolution of bikini hair removal you can now wear low cut bikinis or undergarments with confidence and styles after.

2011 Promotion
Normal retail price for one lamp cartridge is $49. Now Silk'n offer to value customer special price. For a Limited Time Only! Purchase Silk’n SensEpil 3-Pack Lamp Cartridges for $129.36

Saturday, March 5, 2011

6 Effective Precautions to Preventing Ingrown Hair from Epilators

Bikini Hair Removal Solution
6 Effective Precautions to Preventing Ingrown Hair from Epilators

1. Epilator Condition – Always checks and maintains your epilator is in good condition before you use it. Even a small defect, tweaked or tweezers are bent at your epilator then it will not grasp your hair then cause the ingrown hair.

2. Keep Hygiene and Cleanness of Epilator – Always clean your epilator to prevent bacteria grown at the tweezers. Bacteria tend to grow at tweezers area. After you remove your hair out from the follicle, bacteria are easy entering inside. Therefore, follow the manufacturer’s directions to clean the epilator regularly will help keep bacteria at bay. And it will prevent ingrown hair.

 3. Practice does make perfect – Practice more in using epilator; you can get the correct position so it becomes a muscle memory when using the unit.

4. Hold skin taut - If skin is stiff while you're epilating you'll be more likely to remove the hair root from the follicle, and not just break it under the skin.

 5. Do this post-epilating – Using skin toner after epilating can preventing ingrown hair. It is because to help close the pore to the follicle and making it difficult for bacteria to invade.

 6. Exfoliate - Frequently elimination of dead skin cells helps keep hairs pointing up.


Which Epilators Work for You?

It is difficult to pick the best epilator for recommendation. But after review by team, we had picked three Best Epilators. The rate was voted according to their product unique features such as comfortable technology, search for fine hair, speed control and etc.

To look for the best epilator for you, kindly check on the Epilator Complete Review.

P/S: Warning! Don’t buy any epilator until you had read our product review.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Bikini Hair Removal FAQ

Q: So far I remove my pubic hair by shaving method, but it won't last long, only one or two days. If I switch to waxing, will it give me better result? 

A: Definitely waxing will last longer than shaving, because shaving just only remove hair from surface, therefore it will growth very fast. However, waxing removes the entire hair follicle from the root, the re-growth rate is slower than shaving. Waxing method will give you a better result.



Q: Will shaving make my pubic hair thicker?

A: Actually your pubic hair won't grow back thicker, it's just an illusion. Pubic hair that never been shaved has a beveled edge. However, once it's cut, the edge is now become blunt. Therefore, the grow back hair will looks thicker.


Q: Is It normal to shave pubic hair?  A: Nowadays, it is very common to shave pubic hair, but is depend to you whether want to keep or remove. Some people just trim the hair instead of shave everything.



Q: I would to try for shaving, is it safe to shave my pubic hair?

A: It is absolutely safe to shave pubic hair provided you do it correctly. However, you are shaving at the most sensitive region on your body, extra careful is needed. Beside, you need to shave with the right tools to avoid hurt yourself.



Q: Do men shave pubic hair?

A: Yes, nowadays many men shave their pubic hair. They shave at intimate region, some of them had shave the entire zone including their genitals.



Q: Is it normal to design pubic hair?

A: Yes, it is very common to design pubic hair, and it getting popular. Both men and women are like to designing pubic hair. You can design any shape you wish. You can either choose for temporary results or last for weeks.


For more Bikini Hair Removal Solution, please visit to

Bikini Hair Removal - What is Bikini Line Hair or Pubic Hair?

Bikini Hair Removal - What is Bikini Line Hair or Pubic Hair?

What is Pubic Hair?

Pubic hair is the most secret body hair on your body. It is embarrassed to show out pubic hair, in fact most of us want to remove it, and then we called it pubic hair removal or bikini line hair removal. Pubic hair is hair grown in the frontal genital area, the crotch, and at the top of the inside of the legs. All these area we called it pubic region.

No matter man or woman, pubic hair is generally restricted to the coarser hair that develops with puberty. Therefore, pubic hair also part of the androgenic hair.

Development of Pubic Hair

As puberty begins, our body start to produces sex hormones which known as androgens. The reaction cause the skin of the genital area begins to produce thicker hair with very fast grown rate.
Basically the development of pubic hair is in 5 stages:

Stage 1: Very fine vellus hair start to growth at genital area

Stage 2: For male, the first ever pubic hair appears as a few at the upper base of the penis.

Stage 3: After one year, pubic hairs around the base of the penis are numerous.

Stage 4: Within 3 years, hair growth and fill up the pubic region.

Stage 5: The pubic hair become much thicker and darker.

Stages of Pubic Hair
From Marshall WA, Tanner JM: “Variations in patterns of pubertal changes in girls.” Archives of Disease in Childhood 44:291–303, 1969; used with permission.

Bikini Hair Removal

Bikini hair removal is the practice of removing bikini hair or pubic hair, where most of girls insist on removing bikini hair before putting on a bikini. But since lack of knowledge, they considered bikini hair removal is annoying, arduous, irritating, and often painful. Bikini hair removal is considered so vital to some of these girls that they refuse to participate going to beach or swimming if they have not seriously paid proper attention to removing bikini hair. Bikini hair removal process can be enjoy if you know the secret behind.

Image source from:

Bikini Hair Removal - How to Shave Pubic Hair in 8 Simple and Safe Steps?
There are a couple of methods to remove pubic hair; shaving is one of the effective and instant methods. But shaving at pubic hair is different than legs; it is our most sensitive area. We need extra care and patience because of the thicker hair type. Never try to think of ‘do it fast’, it doesn’t work. Take some time and relax when you are shaving. We would like to share with you how to shave carefully and the precaution to take care......More

Must not miss 1BikiniHairRemoval Bikini Hair Removal Pubic Shaving Signature Solution. A must read pubic hair removal solution ever in your life.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bikini Hair Removal - 6 Unbeaten Reasons Why Should You go for Waxing and Shaving?

Bikini Hair Removal - 6 Unbeaten Reasons Why Should You go for Waxing and Shaving?

Waxing and Shaving Detail Review, Comparison 

Bikini hair removal, you will only need it when you want to wear swimsuit? No really. Somebody remove bikini line hair because they do not want those unwanted growth anyway. But just how are we going to get rid of that hair? According to clinical study, there are two most popular temporary methods, shaving and waxing.

Waxing: Having certain medications conflict with waxing, and can make skin scabby.  
Shaving: Some people are sensitive on shaving or shaving cream. Therefore, to know the exactly ingredients of your shaving cream is important. Because the cream or gel can cause allergies and irritate your skin.

Waxing: Normally bikini hair removal waxing can be a large area. It is depending on how deep you go into your bikini line. If you pay a professional for waxing, the time spent is about 0.5 to 1 hour. Time spent can be more than an hour if you DIY at home.
Shaving: Shaving can be very quick. If the hair is too long, you need to trim down it first.

Level of Difficulty
Waxing: It’s easy to make an appointment and let a professional to do the work. Waxing your own bikini line hair can be complicated, and even more tricky to make the lines even on both sides.
Shaving: Very easy.

Waxing: A waxing kit price is from $25 - $100, regular bikinis wax from $19 - $75. But plan anywhere from $19 - $75 for a regular bikini wax. Brazilian wax can up to $100.
Shaving: You can shave your bikini line with very cheap cost, with the use of a high quality shaving cream and good razor.

At Home Supplies

Waxing: You need to get wax, heater, strips, applicators, powder or oil and wax remover.

Shaving: You only need a fine shaving cream, and a high quality razor.

Bikini Line Hair Removal Results
Waxing: Can last up to six weeks if the entire hair follicle is remote from the root and hairs are not broken above or below the surface. There's no shadow" on skin since hair is not beneath skin and has been separated. Stain, bumps and ingrown hairs may results from waxing.
Shaving: Hair may show back up that same day by a shadow, or a couple days later above the skin. Razor burn bumps and ingrown hairs are always a possibility.

Bikini Hair Removal - TOP 1 Waxing Solution 

GiGi Professional Brazilian Waxing Kit A salon starter kit for Brazillian waxing services. Designed to include everything needed to perform an effective Brazilian Bikini Waxing service.


Bikini Hair Removal - TOP 1 Shaving Solution 

Pubic hair shaver triple combo and bikini line trimmer - The Body Bare revolutionary, Intimate Area Razor is a second-generation, newly designed rotary-head, hair removal tool particularly for Dare to be Bare aficionados. It is specially for daily shaving, after the longer hair has been trimmed down.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Bikini Hair Removal Solution - Laser Hair Removal at Home

TRIA Laser Hair Removal System

TRIA Laser Hair Removal SystemTRIA Laser Hair Removal System - Get permanent hair-free results at home-guaranteed! Created by the same scientists who made in-office laser hair removal a success, the TRIA Laser frees you from a lifetime of shaving, waxing, ingrown hairs and razor burn. It's the only laser that can deliver permanent, professional results at home.

For more bikini hair removal solution, kindly visit to, Your No.1 Bikini Hair Removal Solution Here!

Friday, January 7, 2011 Enhance Bikini Hair Removal Newsletter Service website just launched for one month plus, plenty of Bikini Hair Removal solution had introduced on the website, newsletter service also launched 3 weeks ago. After launched the newsletter service, we received a lot of feedback and praise comment. We had study and analysis the feedback and comment, then immediately enhance and launch our newsletter service by today.

“First of all, I would like to thanks for all the support and the feedback from our valuable customer. In order to provide you the first hand tips, review and advice, I decide to enhance our newsletter service. Our newsletter team had change the new system and launch it immediately” Said Georginia Lee, Founder and President of

According to Georginia Lee, one of the enhancement is will not only give away Bikini Hair Removal tips and review, but also giving free consultation advice as well. And the enhancement newsletter will post to subscriber every week rather than monthly.

Due to the high demand and requested by our customer again, needs to enhance the newsletter service to support our valuable customer.  As per research result, women are embarrassed to share their bikini hair removal experience. And they always look for bikini hair removal solution online. Therefore, founder Georginia Lee willing to share bikini hair removal solution on her web.

“We are new on web, but our team passion on bikini hair removal is extremely high. Everyone here is willing to share their hair removal experience and solution. So, we hope that by using newsletter channel, we are able to share out all the review and tips for free.” Said Georginia Lee, Founder and President of

If you are interested to subscribe - Bikini Hair Removal newsletter, visit to